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TWU '신앙과 이성' 시리즈 강의

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2016-02-09 13:26
TWU 의 Bob Kuhn 총장님과 인문사회학부 학장이신 Myron Penner 교수님이 2월 16일 화요일 저녁 7시 NW 오디토리움에서 강연 하십니다. 두 분의 간단한 프로필을 아래에서 확인하세요.
Please Join us on Tuesday, February 16 at 7:00 p.m. in the Northwest Auditorium for a presentation on Academic Freedom.  Our presenters will be President Bob Kuhn and Dean Myron Penner.  
Bob Kuhn, JD is the sitting President and Vice Chancellor at Trinity Western University.  He graduated from Trinity Western when it was still a 2-year junior college in 1972 and went on to study law at UBC attaining both an English degree as well as his Juris Doctor.  Bob has practiced law, even arguing successfully before the Supreme Court of Canada on behalf of Trinity Western University in 2001.  He has lectured extensively, particularly in the area of religious freedom and advocates for Parkinson’s research as one of 12 International Ambassadors to the World Parkinson Congress in 2013.  Bob counts himself supremely blessed to be married to his wife Renae for over 40 years and is a proud father of three, along with one grandson.
Dr. Myron Penner is Professor of Philosophy and Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at Trinity Western University. His research, teaching, and academic writing explores various topics in the philosophy of religion, the nature of knowledge and rationality, and the philosophy of science. He currently holds a grant from the Scholarship and Christianity in Oxford group which is funding his research on understanding and overcoming religion-based fear of science. A member of Bakerview Mennonite Brethren church, Dr. Penner is also the Director of the Anabaptist-Mennonite Centre for Faith and Learning at TWU.
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